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New! EbA planning tool - partnership with IISD and IUCN

Posted on: 1 Nov 2016 / Submitted by: Silvia

The EbA South project has partnered up with the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) and the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) for developing an ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) planning tool to help drive greater uptake of EbA approaches.

The launch of a user-friendly tool to support the design and implementation of EbA interventions aims to help to overcome the current gap between understanding the potential benefits of EbA approaches and their uptake by adaptation practitioners and other user groups. The consideration of the role of ecosystems and ecosystem services for communities and the impact of climate change on these relationships adds value to adaptation planning and informs adaptation initiatives.

The new tool will build on the framework underlying the existing Community-based Risk Screening Tool – Adaptation and Livelihoods (CRiSTAL). CRiSTAL guides users to a decision, drawing on their existing expert knowledge, input from local stakeholders, consultation with experts in relevant fields and access to secondary sources. Its decision-support framework will be modified to enable adaptation of communities and ecosystems by looking at the relationship between livelihood resources, ecosystem services and climate change.

IISD will lead the development of the tool, while IUCN will facilitate the pilot testing at two local IUCN offices in Nepal and Senegal.

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