Jan R. Baiker
Eclim research group (Department of Geography, University of Zurich) and "Asociación para la Conservación y el Estudio de Montañas Andinas-Amazónicas" (ACEMAA)
Friend of EbA South
I currently run an EbA related long-term monitoring project in the South-Central Peruvian Andes with the following preliminary title: "Climate change and human impacts on high mountain wetland ecosystems (bofedales) of the Central Andes – Implications for Ecosystem-based Adaptation in the Ampay National Sanctuary (Apurimac, Peru)". The project's goals are to evaluate the impacts of climate change and the direct/indirect anthropogenic impacts on the water balance and the vegetation structure of high Andean wetland ecosystems, and to evaluate the opportunities and constraints for Ecosystem-based Adaptation in these ecosystems, with a special focus on the case study site (Ampay National Sanctuary / Santuario Nacional de Ampay, Abancay, Apurimac, Peru). For more information, please see: https://www.researchgate.net/project/Climate-change-and-human-impacts-on-high-mountain-wetland-ecosystems-bofedales-of-the-Central-Andes-Implications-for-Ecosystem-based-Adaptation-in-the-Ampay-National-