
IAPS 2017 Symposium

Posted on: 9 Dec 2016 / Submitted by: Silvia
When: 27 Sep 2017 - 29 Sep 2017 / Where: Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

IAPS 2017 will take a pioneering look at urban development, people and environmental behavior with a particular focus on Africa, Asia and Latin America. Participants will debate the added value of explicitly relating scientific knowledge about climate, risks and extreme events to pro-environmental behavior and city planning.

'Ecosystems services, green infrastructure, health and livelihoods' will be one of the conference themes.

The IAPS 2017 Symposium will be the first of its kind in East Africa. The symposium will provide a platform to debate questions such as: What are the implications of global environmental changes for land use planning in coastal cities and inland states with low economies? What are the consequences in terms of global health challenges? Whose responsibility is it to prevent and reduce negative impacts of climate change?

Cross Cutting:
Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)
Education & Research